Betekenis van:
on a regular basis

on a regular basis
    • in a regular manner



    1. Sixty percent of Japanese adult males drink alcoholic beverages on a regular basis.
    2. She visits the dentist on a regular basis, so she seldom gets toothaches.
    3. It shall be updated on a regular basis.
    4. Audits shall be carried out on a regular basis.
    5. Such charges should be reviewed on a regular basis.
    6. the certificates can be issued on a regular or non-regular basis;
    7. The Commission shall draw up, on a regular basis, reports on the status of the tests.
    8. Reports on all security incidents shall be provided on a regular basis, e.g. monthly reporting and ad-hoc basis.
    9. The list in Annex I shall be reviewed on a regular basis, and at least quarterly.
    10. + 6. Non-family labour employed on a non-regular basis: male and female
    11. The eIRG (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group) will assist on a regular basis with strategic recommendations.
    12. It is important that these data are reported on a regular basis to the Commission.
    13. The PMOs will be informed on a regular basis of the activities and their potential benefits.
    14. the activity is available to clients on a regular or continuous basis.
    15. Non-family labour employed on a non-regular basis: male and female